With so much rain around Dandaragan the redgum village got a soaking. It is great to see so much green farmland in the Dandaragan shire which will make up for a slow start to the farming seeding programme.
With such a lot of rain, crikey we had mini floods running down the driveway of the redgum village I thought we were going to have to build a bridge!! Well maybe not quite that bad but I reckon you know what I mean.
Moora Dandaragan Redgum Village
Every farmer in the dandaragan shire must have very broad grins right now and will be adding dollars to the cropping programme day by day. Good, that is what we like to see, happy dandaragan farmers.Now this story isn't just about dandaragan farming as there was plenty of rain around moora and cataby. Even down to gin gin and further inland, so all in all we all got wet.
We will get the camera out a shoot a few pics showing the dry to the wet as a comparison just so you get the idea on how wet it did get here.
I'll be back to finish off soon, all the best from the redgum village dandaragan. Yeah take a look at that site and you will see a dry dandaragan farm, our next door neighbours Dandaragan Organic Beef.