Thursday, June 1, 2017

Additional Grain Storage Regans Ford

Proposed Additional Grain Storage Bins Lot 10 Dandaragan Road, Regans Ford
Applicant: Cooperative Bulk Handling
Folder Path: Development Services Apps / Development
Applications / 2017 / 15
Disclosure of Interest: None
Date: 9 May 2017
Author: Manager of Planning
Senior Officer: Deputy Chief Executive Officer

PROPOSAL The proponent is seeking planning approval for additional grain storage bins (Industry - rural) at Lot 10 Dandaragan Road, Regans Ford.

BACKGROUND This applicant is seeking approval to construct an additional two grain storage open bulkheads at the Regans Ford Grain Receival Depot.
The zoning of Lot 10 Dandaragan Road under Local Planning Scheme No.7 is “Rural” The objective of the rural zone in the Scheme is;
To provide for a range of rural activities such as broadacre and diversified farming so as to retain the rural character and amenity of the locality, in such a way as to prevent land degradation and further loss of biodiversity.
The land use class that most closely aligns with the proposed development is “Industry- rural”. Which is an “A” use under the Rural Zone in the Scheme. ‘A’ means that the use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting planning approval after giving special notice in accordance with the Scheme. There are no specific development requirements for this land use under the Scheme.

COMMENT The proposal is for additional grain storage bins at the subject site and will be constructed adjoining an existing similar open bulkhead. The proposed additional bins are complimentary to the existing land use on this site.
There is however likely to be additional heavy (grain) truck and road train movements along Dandaragan Road as a result of the increased grain storage potential.
Whilst there is a deceleration lane on the entry (north) side of Dandaragan Road for vehicles travelling down the hill, there is no similar acceleration lane at the exit on Dandaragan Road for vehicles heading either south or north.
This section of road has limited passing opportunities for cars with double white lines.

CONSULTATION The proposal was advertised to the surrounding landowner until 22 May 2017. Should any submissions be received after the writing of this report, these will be forwarded to Councillors for consideration. It is noted that there is only one surrounding land owner on both sides of Dandaragan Road.

STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Local Planning Scheme No 7

POLICY IMPLICATIONS There are no local policy implications relevant to this item.

FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The applicant has paid a standard planning application fee of $3,520.

STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS 2016 – 2026 Strategic Community Plan Goal 1: Great Place for Residential and Business Development Objectives How the Shire will contribute 1.2 Ensure effective and efficient development and building services a) Process development applications and undertake building regulation functions and services Goal 5: Proactive and Leading local Government Objectives How the Shire will contribute 5.6 Implement sound corporate governance and risk management h) Maintain and implement up to date policies and procedures (including delegations)

ATTACHMENTS Circulated with the agenda are the following items relevant to this report:
§ Plans (Doc Id: 90591)
§ Location Plan (Doc Id:90590) (Marked 9.4.1)


OFFICER RECOMMENDATION That Council grant planning approval to Cooperative Bulk Handling for additional Grain Storage Bins at Lot 10 Dandaragan Road, Regans Ford subject to the following condition:
1. All development shall be in accordance with the attached approved plans dated 26 April 2017 and subject to any modifications required as a consequence of any conditions of this approval. The endorsed plans shall not be modified or altered without the prior written approval of the local government.
2. Prior to commencement of site works, the Applicant shall to the reasonable satisfaction of the Shire of Dandaragan quantify the impact of the additional (heavy vehicle) traffic on Dandaragan Road and any road upgrading / widening and / or maintenance that is required as a result of the increased traffic, then contribute towards the cost of that upgrading / widening and / or maintenance to the satisfaction of the Shire of Dandaragan.

Advice Notes: The applicant be advised that “should you be aggrieved by this decision, or any conditions imposed, there is a Right of Review under the Planning and Development Act 2005. An application for Review must be submitted in accordance with Part XIV of the Planning and Development Act within 28 days of the date of this decision to:

The State Administrative Tribunal GPO Box U1991 PERTH WA 6845”