Monday, February 17, 2014



Location:           Lot 57 Camm Road, Dandaragan
Applicant:         APP Corporation Pty Ltd on behalf of Department of Lands
Folder Path:     Business Classification Scheme / Land Use and Planning / Subdivision / Requests /    WAPC 149313
Disclosure of Interest:   None
Date:                15 February 2014
Author:             David Chidlow, Manager of Planning
Signature of Author:
Senior Officer:   Ian Rennie, Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Signature of Senior Officer:

To consider an application for the subdivision of Lot 57 Camm Road, Dandaragan into 24 Lots (plus 2 balance Lots) and make recommendations to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).

This application is for subdivision of Lot 57 Camm Road, Dandaragan.
The Shire has identified the development of serviced residential land in the town of Dandaragan as a priority to meet housing requirements for major infrastructure projects in the area and to capture economic and social sustainability benefits for the town.
The Shire has sought development assistance through the Regional Development Assistance Program (RDAP) which is managed by Land-corp. RDAP is a commitment by the State Government to assist regional towns and their social and economic well-being by undertaking small industrial or residential land releases. The Council has worked with Land-corp to identify the location and provided funds towards this project.
It is proposed to create a total of 24 Lots and develop these in two phases (Phase 1 being 9 Lots and phase two being 15 Lots). The Rural balance lots will provide open space and potentially future subdivision if a need is identified.
The Residential Lots will range in size from 1,000 to 1,821 square metres to provide a mix of potential residential developments.

This proposal has been well supported by the Shire and the proposal has undergone an exhaustive process to ensure that the development complies with all statutory requirements.
The issue of requiring a deposit/bond or development time restrictions to encourage development to occur rather than investment/speculation has been discussed with Land-corp informally. The concept was not supported as it was not expected that there would be a high demand for these lots and such restrictions would discourage potential purchasers.
The issue of bushfire protection given the recently released Planning Bulletin 111 has been discussed with the Department of Planning and they are liaising with Land-corp on the matter.

Department of Planning Applicant (Links Surveying) and land owner.

Planning and Development Act 2005 Local Planning Scheme No 7

There are no policy implications relevant to this item.

There are no financial implications relevant to this item.

There are no strategic implications relevant to this item.

Circulated with the agenda are the following items relevant to this report: application for subdivision / amalgamation (Doc Id: 21716 / 21717) (Marked 9.4.7)

Simple majority

That the Western Australian Planning Commission be advised that Council supports the proposed application for subdivision of Lot 57 Camm Road, Dandaragan subject to the following conditions:
1. Engineering drawings and specifications are to be submitted, approved, and subdivisional works undertaken in accordance with the approved plan of subdivision, engineering drawings and specifications, to ensure that those lots not fronting an existing road are provided with frontage to a constructed road(s) connected by a constructed road(s) to the local road system and such road(s) are constructed and drained at the landowner/applicant¡¦s cost. As an alternative, and subject to the agreement of the Local Government the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is prepared to accept the landowner/applicant paying to the local government the cost of such road works as estimated by the local government and the local government providing formal assurance to the WAPC confirming that the works will be completed within a reasonable period as agreed by the WAPC. (Local Government);
2. All local streets within the subdivision being truncated in accordance with the Western Australian Planning Commission¡¦s Liveable Neighbourhoods policy / DC 2.6 Residential Road Planning/ DC 4.1 Industrial Subdivision. (Local Government);
3. The land being filled, stabilised, drained and/or graded as required to ensure that:
A. lots can accommodate their intended development; and
B. finished ground levels at the boundaries of the lot(s) the subject of this approval match or otherwise coordinate with the existing and / or proposed finished ground levels of the land abutting; and
C. stormwater is contained on-site, or appropriately treated and connected to the local drainage system. (Local Government);
4. Drainage easements and reserves as may be required by the local government for drainage infrastructure being shown on the diagram or plan of survey (deposited plan) as such, granted free of cost, and vested in that local government under Sections 152 and 167 of the Planning and Development Act 2005. (Local Government); and
5. Arrangements being made with the Water Corporation so that provision of a suitable water supply service will be available to the lots shown on the approved plan of subdivision. (Water Corporation).