Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Soil Restoration Function Dandaragan

Soil restoration seminar at the Dandaragan hall on march 23rd was preceded by a sundowner function at the Redgum Village function centre in Dandaragan.

30 guests enjoyed a meal put on by Gaylene of the Redgum Village using local organic Dandaragan Beef supplied by the Cook family of Dandaragan Organic Beef.

The expo and organisation of the event was orchestrated by Christine Smith and a few helpers to ensure a successful evening and day was had by all.

Soil restoration function redgum village dandaragan

soil restoration function redgum village moora

Soil restoration function redgum village dandaragan

Looks like locals,  presenters and guests enjoyed the meal and a quiet drink.
The expo was held successfully the following day the 23rd, based in the Dandaragan Hall